Sitting together for a while is much more than that. It is something very profound when we also connect through the sounds of our hearts. It touches our deep inner self. A subliminal experience. It’s exactly what we used to do, sitting around the fire forever and telling each other how it is.

On this evening at Pllek, we come together to meditate and sing, guided by the beautiful sounds of the harmonium and percussion.

Kirtan is a word from Sanskrit that means ‘praise’ or ‘hymn.’ It is also known as sankirtana and is used to describe a form of call-and-response chanting involving mantras or hymns. It is a tradition that originates in Indian religions, particularly Sikhism, Buddhism, and Vaishnavism. The singing is performed alongside instruments such as cymbals, harmonium, or drums and is often practiced in combination with acting performances and storytelling. The subject matter can have a religious context, but can also relate to mythology or current social issues.

This kirtan is led by Bianka Duka (from Youniverse).

Bianka – harmonium, vocals | Koos – dholak

Om Namah Shivaya ❤️

A contribution of €15 is requested for participation
Start time: 6:00 PM


Info & Tickets

  • Sun 12 Jan
  • 15
  • 18:00 - 20:00
