Entrance: €22,50,-
Participants are required to bring their own mat, blanket and pillow!
Breathwork is a term for breathing exercises that can alter your state of consciousness by controlled breathing. You might even experience a natural high. This state of consciousness has a positive impact on your health through getting to know your body better and by handeling stress and tension. Through these exercises you work on strengthening your immune system and listening to your gut feeling.
With Breathwork you get closer to yourself and in contact with your life energy!
Chris Wenker has been hosting these Breathwork sessions for quite a while. He founded the ‘Adem Academy’ with his vision that everyone has the capability to improve his own health. Breathing exercises are one of the simpelest ways to experience balance on a physical, mental and energetic level. With a background as a sports scientist and as a exercise physiologist in top sports, he hosts unique breath workshops.
Do you want to experience what impact breath exercises can have one you? Sign up for a session with Chris and join this journey inwards !